Wednesday, 23 January 2019 12:46

hold been running pillar to post but to no avail, Maryam on Nawaz Sharwhethers health

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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LAHORE: Maryam Nawaz, daughter of former prime minister Nawaz Sharwhether has said that reports leaked to media show her father&s disease has progressed and is lwhethere-threatening, however, official reports from Punjab Institute of Cardiology still awaited.Maryam took to Twitter saying &hold been running pillar to post but to no...
LAHORE: Maryam Nawaz, daughter of former prime minister Nawaz Sharwhether has said that reports leaked to media show her father&s disease has progressed and is lwhethere-threatening, however, official reports from Punjab Institute of Cardiology still awaited.Maryam took to Twitter saying &hold been running pillar to post but to no avail.&She also thanked Asad Munir who had tweeted &Nawaz Sharwhether is much well, three time PM, has done a lot for this country should be supplyd best available medical facilities, dispatching him abroad for treatment be considered.&Maryam replied &Thank you Asad sb. What is shocking is that authorities sat on reports compiled by government constituted boards and recommendation that he needs to be hospitalised was conveniently concealed and missed.&

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Read 55 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 12:46