The video message from a family in Cholistan pronounces their inconvenience with the water scarcity there, the rest is on viewers to count what it could be causing.
The greater alarm seeming to be their everyday struggle to collect water from afar and store for a day use is just one of the many troubles. They themselves might not be aware of what tags along with just water scarcity.
It takes to picture ourselves in the situation, experience it, or read about apparent as well as disguised hazards that exist under a parent threat.
The family missed out on mentioning malnutrition, huge sanitation issues, water-borne diseases, and perils that the well-aware people can count.
“There is literally no water, not event to drink. It takes us to walk really far to get water daily. We send children to bring us water in buckets,“ the woman told a documentary maker, but was nonvocal about how the children remain distracted from school life for years – for the sake of surviving every single day.
The cycle continues. There are localities where girls and women remain so occupied with households that they are not allowed to go to schools at all so they can contribute to crucial responsibilities at the time, getting water and taking care of other livelihood needs.
Unhygienic measures at clinics, food places, and in agriculture purposes are a thought of afar for the people there.
A life with water scarcity means no economic activities will happen and the people will remain in constant poverty.