Stock Market

NEW DELHI:Legendary investor Warren Buffett in his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders said that the company was 100 per cent prepared for his and Charlie Munger’s departure. The Oracle of Omaha said earlier suggestions from shareholders, media and board members that Ajit Jain and Greg Abel – the company’s two key operating managers – be given more exposure at AGM meeting makes sense.

Berkshire Hathaway will have its annual general meeting on May 2, 2020. Buffett ready with successor planIn his annual letter, Buffett said Charlie Munger and he long ago entered the “urgent zone”.

This might not be a great news for Berkshire shareholders, but they need not worry, Buffett said. “Your company is 100 per cent prepared for our departure,” he said. Buffett said he felt Berkshire’s assets are deployed in extraordinary businesses that, averaged out, earn attractive returns on the capital they use.

He pointed out four other factors for his optimism. He said Berkshire’s positioning of its controlled businesses within a single entity endows it with some important and enduring economic advantages. “Berkshire’s financial affairs will unfailingly be managed in a manner allowing the company to withstand external shocks of an extreme nature.

We possess skilled and devoted top managers for whom running Berkshire is far more than simply having a high-paying and/or prestigious job.

Finally, Berkshire’s directors – your guardians – are constantly focused on both the welfare of owners and the nurturing of a culture that is rare among giant corporations,” he said. AGM on May 2: Abel, Jain to address AGMBerkshire Hathaway’s annual general meeting will be held on May 2, 2020.

Yahoo will be streaming the event worldwide.

Buffett said he had received suggestions from shareholders, media and board members that Ajit Jain and Greg Abel – the company’s two key operating managers – be given more exposure at the meeting. “That change makes great sense.

They are outstanding individuals, both as managers and as human beings, and you should hear more from them.

Shareholders who this year send questions to be asked by our three long-serving journalists may specify that it be posed to Ajit or Greg,” Buffett said. Potential acquisitions meeting Buffett criteria rareBuffett said buying new businesses should meet three criteria: they must earn good returns on the net tangible capital required in their operation; they must be run by able and honest managers; and they must be available at a sensible price. Buffett said whenever his company spots businesses, his preference would to buy 100 per cent of them.

“But the opportunities to make major acquisitions possessing our required attributes are rare.

Far more often, a fickle stock market serves up opportunities for us to buy large, but non-controlling, positions in publicly-traded companies that meet our standards,” he said. Similarity between acquisitions and marriagesBuffett said Berkshire has acquired dozens of companies, all of which he initially regarded as “good businesses.” The billionaire investor said some of his investments proved disappointing and more than a few were outright disasters, but a reasonable number exceeded his hopes. “In reviewing my uneven record, I’ve concluded that acquisitions are similar to marriage: They start, of course, with a joyful wedding, but then reality tends to diverge from pre-nuptial expectations.

Sometimes, wonderfully, the new union delivers bliss beyond either party’s hopes.

In other cases, disillusionment is swift.

Applying those images to corporate acquisitions, I’d have to say it is usually the buyer who encounters unpleasant surprises.

It’s easy to get dreamy-eyed during corporate courtships,” he said. Robot-like process a no-noBuffett said his company would continue to look for business-savvy directors, who are owner-oriented and arrive with a strong specific interest in the company.

He said many of the ”good souls” he met were directors whom he would never have chosen to handle money or business matters as it simply was not their game. “Thought and principles, not robot-like process,” will guide actions, he said. “In representing your interests, they will, of course, seek managers whose goals include delighting their customers, cherishing their associates and acting as good citizens of both their communities and our country,” Buffett wrote to Berkshire shareholders. No share buybacks if valuations unfavourableBuffett said he had in the past discussed both the sense and nonsense of stock repurchases in detail. “Our thinking, boiled down,” he said.

Berkshire, Buffett said, will buy back its stock only if Charlie Munger and he believed the stock is selling for less than it is worth and the company, upon completing the repurchase, is left with ample cash,” he said.

Buffett said calculations of intrinsic value are far from precise.

“Consequently, neither of us feels any urgency to buy an estimated $1 of value for a very real 95 cents.

In 2019, the Berkshire price/value equation was modestly favorable at times, and we spent $5 billion in repurchasing about 1 per cent of the company,” he noted. Board independence new area of emphasisBuffett said while board independence is being emphasized, it is almost invariably overlooked. The Oracle of Omaha felt director compensation has now soared to a level that inevitably makes pay a subconscious factor, affecting the behavior of many non-wealthy members. “Think, for a moment, of the director earning $250,000-300,000 for board meetings consuming a pleasant couple of days six or so times a year.

Frequently, the possession of one such directorship bestows on its holder three to four times the annual median income of US households,” he pointed out.

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