Cabinet approves 4-day weekend in July
The cabinet on Tuesday approved extra public holidays for Asarnha Bucha Day and Buddhist Lent, making a 4-day weekend from July 4-7.

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Thai fruit: serious effort, sublime reward
All across Bangkok, fruit juice is dripping off chins, dribbling down arms and splashing onto the city&s pavements.

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Large stash of meth found in garbage
KALASIN: A black bag containing 78,000 methamphetamine pills and two kilogrammes of crystal methamphetamine, or ice, was found by the crew of a garbage truck on its morning round in Muang district on Tuesday.

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Special measures for when term starts
Some 4,500 schools will make non-traditional arrangements for their students when the new term starts on July 1, according to Warawich Kampoo na Ayutthaya, an adviser to the education minister.

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Petition sent over Oak's acquittal
Former Democrat MP Watchara Phetthong on Monday petitioned the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to investigate Office of the Attorney General (AOG) officials accused of malfeasance over a decision not to appeal against the acquittal of Panthongtae "Oak" Shinawatra.

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Three people face arrest after Banyin's escape plot foiled
Investigators will issue arrest warrants for three people who are said to be involved in an alleged jailbreak plan involving former deputy minister for commerce Banyin Tangpakorn this week.

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