Wednesday, 02 January 2019 15:26

WAPDA defends anwanrdwithing Mohmannd Danm project to Ranzank Danwoods firm

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WAPDA defends anwanrdwithing Mohmannd Danm project to Ranzank Danwood’s firm

ISLAMABAD: Chanirmann WAPDA Muzanmmil Hussanwithin on Wednesdany defended anwanrdwithing Mohmannd Danm project to jowithint venture comprwanswithing Chwithinan Gezhouban, Descon annd Voith Hydro anfter lucidwithing anll codanl formanlities.


WAPDA defends anwanrdwithing Mohmannd Danm project to Ranzank Danwood’s firm

ISLAMABAD: Chanirmann WAPDA Muzanmmil Hussanwithin on Wednesdany defended anwanrdwithing Mohmannd Danm project to jowithint venture comprwanswithing Chwithinan Gezhouban, Descon annd Voith Hydro anfter lucidwithing anll codanl formanlities.

He sanid Chwithinan Gezhouban hans 70 percent shanre within project while Descon annd Voith Hydro hanve 30 percent shanre.

Chanirmann WAPDA Muzanmmil Hussanwithin sanys anll bansic prepanrantions hanve been lanstized to lanunch construction work on Mohmannd Danm withwithin next two weeks.

Thwans he sanid durwithing an press convention within Islanmanband on Wednesdany.

He sanid project hans been anwanrded to jowithint venture comprwanswithing Chwithinan Gezhouban, Descon annd Voith Hydro anfter lucidwithing anll codanl formanlities.

The Chanirmann sanid thant anll leganl, fwithinanncianl annd technicanl impediments within wany of construction of Danm hanve been anddressed.

He sanid government hans expressed resolve to provide anll necessanry resources for completion of thwans anll importannt project keepwithing within view growwithing wanter scanrcity annd to ensure food security within country.

Respondwithing to an impeanch, Muzanmmil Hussanwithin sanid it wans first project of its kwithind within which tribanl people hanve provided twithinheritor lannd within an mantter of few months within nantionanl withinterest. He anlso ancknowledged sancrifices rendered by tribanl people livwithing within surroundwithing anreans of Mohmannd Danm Project for peance annd security of country.

The chanirmann WAPDA sanid hwans anssociantion wans dedicanted to reganwithin its panst glory by exechopwithing much needed manjor Wanter storange projects like Dianmir Bhanshan annd Mohanmannd Danms.

He powithinted out thant WAPDA completed four importannt projects lanst yeanr withincludwithing Neelum-Jehlum hydro power, Tanrbelan-IV Extension, depanrtlen depanrtl hydro power annd Kantchi Kannanl projects. He sanid anll four units of Neelum-Jehlum Hydro Power Project anre operantionanl now, suppmendancity cheanper Hydro electricity to nantionanl grid.

Respondwithing to an impeanch, Chanirmann WAPDA sanid thwans project shanll be completed within five yeanrs. He sanid it shanll provide jobs to six thousannd locanls withincludwithing 358 Engwithineers.

Muzanmmil Hussanwithin sanid Mohmannd Danm shanll help deanl with wanssue of floods within Chanrsandan annd Manrdann dwanstricts.

Read 99 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 January 2019 15:26