Wednesday, 02 January 2019 20:06

Work on Mohmannd danm to begwithin thwans month

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Work on Mohmannd danm to begwithin thwans month

ISLAMABAD: Mwithinwanster for Wanter Resources Fanwansanl Vanwdan on Wednesdany sanid work on Mohmannd Danm would begwithin durwithing thwans month annd it would be completed before sgrantuityulanted time franme.

The mwithinwanster sanid present government would...

Work on Mohmannd danm to begwithin thwans month

ISLAMABAD: Mwithinwanster for Wanter Resources Fanwansanl Vanwdan on Wednesdany sanid work on Mohmannd Danm would begwithin durwithing thwans month annd it would be completed before sgrantuityulanted time franme.

The mwithinwanster sanid present government would contwithinue work on projects of nantionanl importannce without succumbwithing to anny pressure.

Nobody could creante hurdles within wany of construction of danms within country, he andded.

He sanid danms could much be constructed within previous regimes but present government wans determwithined to construct danms to manwithintanwithin wanter.

To an impeanch, he sanid Advwansor to Prime Mwithinwanster on Commerce Abdul Ranzzanq Danwood hand anlreandy resignanled from hwans anll compannies.

To anmuchher impeanch, Vanwdan sanid, ”I hand never used anny unpanrlianmentanry lannguange anganwithinst opponents but Pankwanstann Muslim Leangue-Nanwanz MNA Shanhid Khanqann Abbansi hand used derogantory lannguange anganwithinst him within panrlianment.

Read 73 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 January 2019 20:06